Flamingoes Blom Passive
Vernissage: 14. August, 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 14. – 28. August, 2024
Flamingoes Blom Passive ist eine Multimedia-Installation, die performative Tanzgesten erforscht. Das Konzept wurde in Bern entwickelt und in Situ, einem kleinen ausgetrockneten “Feuchtgebiet” in Südafrika, umgesetzt und gefilmt.
Surviving the reality of the real.
We are transient enteric nervous systems.
Sustainably fed by the nightmare waters flooding our estuary.
We’re making the future with our collective stories of exploitation and regeneration.
Even when there isn’t enough space in front of us when we fly.
Our bodies as homelands – territories moving from the inside out.
Tall trees with memories for hands and home.
Here are our gestures of hope, frustration and hunger.
Here are our gestures of joy.
Tall object beacons standing as if a chorus singing refrain.
Imagining lives lived and the residue of tiny particles that we can fit and form together.
Afro-futures dreamt into existence.
Salvaged memories, carrying and bouncing the sound in the room.
Asking to be understood, but with a sharp bite if one would ignorantly attempt to touch.
Tiny fragments cutting sharp paper cuts with unfeeling hands.
This multimedia installation is a repetitive unfolding of a disharmonious cry of birds that allude to the baring of teeth and seamlessly feeds the message in the room – we were silent, but no longer silenced.
We move majestically and sublime, and we will not cower.
Angelica Cloete
Cedric Linnert
Giovanni Cloete
Jayden Booys
Joshua Booys
Lorenzia Ockhuis
Pethran Lee Dampies
Tevin Strauss
Das Projekt “Flamingoes Blom Passive” wird grosszügig unterstützt von Kultur Stadt Bern.
In the Womb of a Civil Women
Vernissage: 19. Juni, 19 Uhr
Dieses Projekt ist ein abstraktes audiovisuelles Gemälde, das vollständig aus Samples sowjetischer und russischer Musik, Theaterstücken, Radiosendungen und anderen Materialien zum Leben und Aufwachsen in dieser Region besteht. Das Werk spiegelt die psychologischen Auswirkungen der Kultur auf das Bewusstsein wider, sowie die Wahrnehmung der postsowjetischen Kultur heute. Unerträgliche Verzögerungen, ständige Angst und Unsicherheit. All diese Elemente sind Teil des zugrundeliegenden Themas, der Realität zu trotzen und ihr zu entfliehen.
“Unsere Arbeit setzt sich mit der russischen Kultur auseinander, die sowohl diejenigen geprägt hat, die den Krieg entfesselt haben, als auch diejenigen, die vor ihm geflohen sind. Wir sind Künstler aus St. Petersburg, drei enge Freunde, die das Land gleich zu Beginn des Krieges verlassen haben und von verschiedenen Ländern aus an dem Projekt arbeiten (einer von uns lebt inzwischen in Bern und studiert an der HKB). Wir laden dazu ein, die Realität, die alle in den ehemaligen UdSSR-Ländern Geborenen auf die eine oder andere Weise betrifft, emotional zu erleben”.
Expanded Poetry
Agglomerated Poetry
Vernissage: 13. April, 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 13. – 26. April
In Zusammenarbeit mit Residency.ch
In this exhibition at Dreiviertel, poetry opens a space in the space, bringing people together. Language becomes environment and movement. Books become sculptures. Sculpture is not sculpted but part of nature. Voice disappears in its texture but a spoken choir brings it back, and a digital ghost inhabits the room, carrying a poem for everyone.
Alessandro De Francesco is a poet, artist, and essayist. He exhibited and performed internationally (Biennale Gherdeina, Kunsthalle Basel, Fondation Louis Vuitton, Kelly Writers’ House, Brown University, Casa delle letterature di Roma; Centre Pompidou, etc.) and published several books, among which And Agglomerations, of Trees or (Mousse Publishing, 2022); ((( (Uitgeverij / punctum books, 2021); Pour une théorie non-dualiste de la poésie (MIX / Les Presses du réel, 2021); Remote Vision. Poetry 1999-2015 (punctum books, 2016); Redéfinition (MIX, 2010). Solo shows include Expanded Poetry #1 at der Tank in Basel and Poetry as Artistic Practice at Anima Ludens in Brussels. He has been an artist-in-residence at the STEIM in Amsterdam and the BeHave programme in Luxembourg, among other places. He holds a doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris and he taught poetry at the École Normale Supérieure and the European Graduate School. He is currently professor of Creative Writing at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin and visiting professor of studio practice at the Bern Academy of the Arts and the ENSAV La Cambre in Brussels.
Vernissage: 1. Februar, 19 Uhr
Ausstellung: 1 -20. Februar 2024
Sonata Raiymkulova is a multidisciplinary artist based in Kyrgyzstan. Sonata’s practice spans black-and-white graphics, sculpture, animation, and photography. In her work, she explores personal themes and societal problems in Central Asia. Sonata often refers to existential issues about the meaning of existence and humanity while also working on gender issues, such as the position of women in society, and the political aspects of life in Kyrgyzstan. Sonata’s work has been shown at the “Postcolonial Art from Central Asia” exhibition in Karlsruhe, Germany, at the FemAgora festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan, and at the New Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, Russia, among other places. Sonata Raiymkulova is a winner of the Prince Claus Seed Awards 2023.
The exhibition is taking place in collaboration with the artists-residency Residency.ch
Franzi Kreis
Vernissage: 25. November ab 17 Uhr
Ausstellung: 26. November – 10. Dezember 2023